Parent Portal Parent Portal

658 Main Street,
Gorham, Maine 04038

to 5:30pm

t:(207) 591 5085

Pre-School Program

Ages 3 to 5 year olds

The pre-school room is designed to promote learning in everything the child does, whether that is playing, reading, eating, or attending school.  The room is filled with learning materials on the walls, in the bookshelf, and the toy box.  There is a separate area designated for reading, playing, and learning.

The children continue to learn numbers, colors, days of the week, ABC’s, shapes, seasons, and complete a monthly curriculum provided by High Reach Learning and Maine State Learning Guidelines tailored to their age group.  “Fun in Learning” is our theme and motto.  Each task and event that the children accomplish is promoted as a fun event.  The children learn about grass, dirt, water, insect, birds, the sun and moon and stars.

Our preschool curriculum is created to peak the interest of the children enrolled each year, while addressing the learning goals of the program. These learning goals consist of

Personal & social development

Creative Arts

Health & physical education

Early language & literacy

Math, science & social studies